is a subject that is most feared by most students. Many students argue that
mathematics is very difficult to understand. This makes the lesson of this one
is hated by many students . We know, many students who do not like math, is a
fact that can be corrected through a simple way that can be done by a teacher when
planning and conduct of learning mathematics. Not a few students who think
mathematics is boring because it's talking about the numbers, just write,
calculate, formulas and learning just to read the book. According to me, when
students feel that, it is necessary for teachers to hold a fun activity but
without leaving the obligation of a mathematics teacher to convey the material.When
many students are afraid about math, or look bored, a teacher needs to do
everything that can make math interesting.
I think to make mathematics lesson
become a fun thing was not an a easy thing, but it can be done if the teachers
are willing to try. Mathematics will be easy to students when they could
understand the material provided and follow the lesson with a good feelings. To
create a fun atmosphere, when delivering certain content teachers can use
models of teaching and try to involve
students directly in order to more easily accepted by students.
are some ideas to make mathematics lesson fun in class when teacher teaching
mathematics, namely:
1. Learning math is packed with environment-oriented.
1. Learning math is packed with environment-oriented.

Learning can also be done by observing
what is happening in the environment, learning from mistakes,
learning from friends and others. This suggests that the source should not book learning, but also the
environment is a source of learning is more clear and conspicuous in the learning process.One
approach that can be done is RME (Realistic Mathematic Education) by linking
and engaging environment, real-life experience of learners in everyday life, as
well as activities to make mathematics learners. Learners are invited to think
how to solve problems that ever happened, for example about the allowance, the
schedule departure of trains, and others.
2. Learning in the outdoors.
2. Learning in the outdoors.

.Learning outdoors is a variation of learning strategies related to life and the environment directly, as well as use it as a learning resource. Many students want learning in the outdoor classroom because the air is fresh and can make learning mathematics fun. Choose the appropriate topic, eg measuring tree height, tree diameter, leaf length, count the number of passing vehicles and so forth.
3. Use Student worksheet.

worksheets are worksheets that provided by the teachers assigned to students as
a means of learning and worksheet student is very convenient tool for teachers to be able to serve the learning needs of math students of
diverse abilities. Student worksheet contains not just
amount of problems, but in the student worksheet can
be a means
for student
learn independently
or in groups. To create student worksheets teachers
must determine in advance the topic, then the teacher determines the necessary
tools or materials. After that, teacher compose guide or step up activities.
Teacher gives examples of how to fill the student worksheet. From this student
worksheet, students are expected to understand the concept of the topics being
4. Learn while playing.

For most students, learning mathematics is a heavy burden and boring, so they are less motivated, quickly bored, and tired. To overcome these educators can perform a variety of innovative learning Many of students very happy if mathematics lesson use game method. Usually students direct excited when ther teacher said “we play while learning mathematics now” . So teachers must be creative to create different games in teaching mathematics, for example, give a quiz or a puzzle that must be guessed either in groups or individually, make the poetry of mathematics and the students recited in front of the class in turn, create a song lyric about the matter of mathematics, giving the game in class, and so forth depending on the creativity of educators.
5. Use Math Manipulatives

Manipulatives not only make math more fun, they make it easier to understand. When a child understands WHY he's supposed to do something in mathematics, he becomes a much better mathematician. Comprehension is at least as important as getting a problem right! In fact, I'd rather have a child miss a particular problem, but understand the reasoning behind why it works the way it does, than get every problem right yet have no understanding of what's really happening. Teaching aids used should be easy to find around students like folded paper, sticks, marbles and there is a simple tool that can be used to create a good atmosphere of learning and then learning becomes more enjoyable.
Using the

I think if teachers use technology in
learning mathematics is very good. This will add interest to students in
learning. The technology can use by
teacher when teaching mathematics are calculator and computer. But at the present time more teachers who prefer to teach using computer technology rather than a calculator. Computers can present the media in the form of
graphics and AudioVideo. Surely this will add to the attraction for students in
learning. In addition,developments in programming, such as animation software
such as Cabri, Macromedia Flash, POV will assist in loading media learning good
and interesting. Similarly, the application of CAS (Computer Algebra System)
such as Matlab, Mathematica, and Maple in addition to providing numerical
facilities, graphics, animation also exist. However, there are several factors inhibiting the use of
technology in mathematics pembelajran ie not all schools have a computer laboratory
facilities are complete and
not all teachers are able
to use a computer program with good
In my opinion beside that the
important ways to to make mathematics
lesson fun with used different methode of teaching based from student condition
or suitable from the learning topic.If we choose a teaching methode but sudenly
in class the condition not same with our think before, we can change the
learning methode. Teaching methods used by teachers
should be oriented to student, students are more active in the learning process while the teacher is only a facilitator for example : problem based instruction, cooperative
learning, problem posing, open ended, RME, CTL, Investigation etc.Teacher also must provides
the opportunity for students to develop their own concepts
and understanding and not instill concepts to students.
TSSherefore students find meaningful when they learning mathematics. Thus students have
the motivation to learn mathematics so as
to improve result of
learning and their mathematics ability likes problem solving,
connection, reasoning comunication and representation
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